Richard 7th March 2018

Alright dad............ a year it still only feels like yesterday how has it been a year already only seems like last week you were sat in my kitchen eatting KFC.. That's what I miss the most the random Saturday pop inns after your tea mornings the Sunday dinners at our house with you still hovering over George cooking....... I pretend to myself sometimes this has never happened and that we are all just super busy it works for all of 5 mins I miss you so much dad a lot has happened in this past year there's been a few good times which would have been amazing times if you was with us but u are I know u are cause I sense u everyday... there's also been a few bad times people have drifted in and they've drifted out but then we both knew that was going to happen some ppl have surprised me were as others have lived upto the exceptions... sat here now thinking of last year and I told u more times in a week that I loved you than I did in my whole life and that kills me I wish I told you everyday I remember the last conversation I had with you I told you I love u dad and you said "I know you do boy" I hear those words everyday and I will for the rest of my life I love and miss you so much dad until we meet again and I know we will...... Love and miss you so much I will pop by again later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx