Richard 1st December 2017

Alright dad..... well on Wednesday 29th November me and teejay walked over the o2 arena for charity for that limbless association it was bloody freezing hahaha was actually really nice tho the view wasn't amazing I think once upon a time it was nice but it was nothing but building sites hahaha well as u know I've been putting up a fence at the new place for Sadie so she's got a closed in bit it's coming along just struggling with the gate I get so stressed out because I don't have u here for advice on stupid things it's silly really I know but I could really do with talking to you right now I miss you so much dad... well I'm finally going to Turkey we taking everyone Kirsty Shane Rob mum and our tribe should be funny it will either be a big disaster or it will be all good only one way to find out hey... Christmas really ain't gonna be right without you to be honest I wish I could just sleep the whole bloody month but I know you would be telling me I've gotta do it for the kids.. Sorry ive not been on on a couple of weeks. Love and miss you so much dad I'd sell my soul for five minutes with you but in my heart I know we will meet again I will never stop missing you and I will never stop loving you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx