Richard 9th August 2017

Alright dad... Well not really alot to report this week been out at the company house most of the week painting well glossing I hate glossing lol.. really worried about this reunion thing just hope it all goes to plan and everyone enjoys themself.think about you all the time dad u know I do I was thinking about you today at work and I smiled cause that song from that advert u done at the yard final count down is what the songs called I miss u so so much dad it really don't get easier id give my soul to have u back for just 5 mins just to tell you I love u one more time. When mum comes over at the weekend we are gonna pop to see aunty Heather to see if she wants to come to the reunion if she isn't already coming.. Well I'm gonna go for now dad love and miss you so much think about you every second of the day love you loads dad cxxxxxxxxxxxxx